
Pareto: Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Employee Benefits Trends in the UK

  • Published on: 22/07/2024

In today’s competitive job market, the role of employee benefits has never been more crucial. Companies across the UK are re-evaluating their benefits packages to attract and retain top talent, responding to changing employee expectations and the evolving nature of work. In this blog, I take a look into some of the hot employee topics that should be on the radar of any business looking to stay ‘on point’ to meet the needs of their talent.

1. Increased focus on mental health
The importance of mental health has been catapulted to the forefront of employee benefits discussions, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organisations are increasingly acknowledging the impact of mental health on productivity and employee satisfaction. As a result, more companies are incorporating comprehensive mental health support into their benefits offerings. This includes access to counselling services, mental health days off, and programs aimed at reducing stress, such as mindfulness sessions and resilience training.  These can be accessed through some Group Life Insurance and Income Protection policies.

2. Health and wellness perks
Health and wellness perks remain a staple in employee benefits packages, but they are evolving to be more comprehensive and tailored to individual needs. Traditional health insurance benefits are being supplemented with wellness programs that encourage healthier lifestyles. These include gym memberships, fitness challenges, nutrition consultations, and even on-site health services. The aim is to foster a healthier workforce, which can reduce absenteeism and health-related productivity losses.  Many Group Risk and Health policies offer counselling sessions and virtual GPs all aligned to better overall Health and Wellbeing.

3. Flexibility and hybrid working options changing again
Flexibility has become a cornerstone of the modern workplace. Again the pandemic lead to a shift in how companies think about work environments. Flexible and hybrid working practices offered by employers across various industries have increased. This trend is not just about attracting employees; it’s also about trust and autonomy, allowing employees to manage their work-life balance more effectively.

However, every organisation will be different and we are also starting to see an expectation to move back to pre covid times with more days being spent at the office.  KPMG’s ‘Annual CEO Outlook survey 2023 found that 64% of the 1,300 global chief executives (63% in the UK) believe there will be a full return to in-office working by the end of 2026.  The results showed that nearly 90% of those polled by KPMG thought that pay, bonuses and promotions would be linked with coming into the office more regularly.

4. Financial education programs
Financial wellness is an area of growing concern among UK workers, particularly in the context of rising living costs. Employers are responding by offering financial education workshops, savings programs, and retirement planning services. These programs not only aid employees in making informed financial decisions but also enhance their overall sense of security, contributing to greater job satisfaction. At Pareto one initiative we launched last year sees our advisors going into the workplace to offer Financial Education seminars and webinars. If you would like to find out how we could offer your workforce financial wellbeing initiatives please contact us on: 0161 819 1311.

5. Development and training opportunities  
As industries evolve at an unprecedented pace, continuous learning and development are crucial for maintaining a skilled workforce. Employers are investing in comprehensive training programs to ensure their employees can upskill or re-skill as necessary. These benefits are not only limited to technical skills but also include soft skills that support career advancement at all levels. Moreover, with the rise of digital platforms, employees can access these learning resources more flexibly, aligning their professional development with personal commitments.

6. Environmental and social benefits
As awareness of environmental and social issues grows, employees are increasingly attracted to companies that reflect their values. Employees are also asking questions about how ethical their company pension provider is.  Employers are incorporating ‘green’ benefits such as cycle-to-work schemes, subsidies for electric vehicle purchases, or company-organised volunteer days. These initiatives not only help in attracting environmentally conscious employees but also build a sense of community and shared purpose within the workforce.

Employee benefits are becoming more sophisticated and it is complicated to get the balance right as shifts in societal attitudes and the realities of modern work environments evolve. Companies that recognise and adapt to these changes can not only enhance their attractiveness as employers but also boost their overall productivity and employee morale.

To discuss any of the issues raised in this article, please contact Pareto.

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