HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Investigations

The important stuff

No one wants an HMRC tax investigation. It is time-consuming, stressful, and can be expensive too, even if the outcome is that no additional tax was due.

It is however a fact that the number of tax enquiries opened by HMRC is increasing and generates a lot of tax income.

So we are here to hold your hand through the experience. Our team of experts deals with HMRC every day, so you don’t have to. We will ensure your investigation is managed professionally and efficiently.

Managing communication with HMRC is important, so they receive the answer they are looking for promptly. However, HMRC can often ask for information over and above what you are required to provide. We will rebuff any such requests.

You may well be asking what this support will cost you. And you are right to ask this, the longer an investigation goes on the more costly it becomes.

This is why we recommend all our clients take our tax investigation fee protection service.