Rachael O’Kane


I’m Rachael, one of the Audit Managers. I work exclusively with our private sector clients, covering anything from manufacturing to recruitment, and everything in between.

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The nitty-gritty
Chartered Accountant (CA)
The Institute of Chartered Accounts of Scotland (ICAS)
BSc (Hons) Accounting, Audit & Finance
Winner of pro-manchester’s Made in Manchester ‘Mentor of The Year’ award 2025

My story
I joined the firm in January 2023 after spending over 10 years in the audit profession. In that time, I’ve worked almost exclusively in the private sector, specialising in manufacturing. I spent the first 4 years of my career working in the Midlands, but as a Lancashire lass, my heart always belonged to the North.

Working in audit I’m in the perfect position to fully understand my clients, learning what makes them tick and tailoring my advice as a result. No two clients are the same, and I’m yet to find one that doesn’t fascinate me.

I do this too…
I love the outdoors and am often found camping and hiking with my Labrador, Barry. We’re especially fond of the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales, but also like to visit Donegal, Ireland, where my family are originally from. Growing up I was an Irish Dancer (admittedly not a good one) and have a family full of musicians, so when I’m not pitching my tent in the countryside, you’ll possibly find me doing a jig at a local Irish bar with my dad playing his Accordion.