Interactive business information

Get with the times

Women on a business call in a cafe

Interactive business information is the key to making smart decisions and staying ahead of the game. It lets you see and analyse your data in real time, using interactive dashboards and reports. It helps you discover things that can help you improve your performance, find opportunities, and solve problems.

All that sounds great, but I bet if it’s anything like ours, your business-critical information that can help you make those informed decisions is dotted around in lots of different places. Some of it will be in your accounts system, maybe your CRM or website, how about your payroll/HR system and we bet there’ll be a judicious sprinkling of bespoke spreadsheets just to top it off! All that means it can take days, maybe weeks, to collect, present and interpret all the information, which is sometimes too late.

We can help you create interactive business information using Power BI, a powerful business analytics tool that works with cloud accounting software and other data sources. We can design and build custom dashboards and reports that fit your specific needs and goals. We can also teach you how to use Power BI to explore and interact with your data, ask questions, and get answers.

If you are interested in our digital transformation services, please get in touch with us today. We would love to hear from you and chat about how we can help you transform your organisation with technology.

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